A bench shearing machine also known as a “liver shear” is a bench
mounted shear with a compound mechanism to increase the
mechanical advantage. It is usually used for cutting rough shapes
out of medium size pieces of metal sheet.
The bench shearing machine has light weight and easy efficient
operation. The blades fitted are carefully and accurately grounded
to give easy clean quick cuts and free of burns.
These special feature helps the operator save a great deal of
energy. The bench shearing machine is electrically welded
together to make it a sturdy stable unit capable to withstand
stress due to heavy duty usage. The footplates are reinforced with
balancing angles so that they firmly gives stability to the shear.
The bench shearing machine is provided with a section knife
(sliding blade) which can be adjusted by hand to make cuts on
T-sections of different sizes as well as openings for cutting round
and square bars.
A device like bench shearing machine is made up of the mainframe
structure cutting blades and handle. The fabrication of this type
of device consists of mainly cutting/fitting operations welding
operation and machining operation like drilling. The machine
assembly is made up by means of welding and nuts and bolts
In some bench shears provisions are made for cutting round bars
of different sizes. In order to accommodate such operation
materials proven structures integrity are used in the construction.
The size of parts are carefully fixed to enable such operation to be
carried out.
Production of useful tools commonly used in the mechanical
engineering workshop is an essential part of gain in having the
bench shearing machine.
The reason for fabricating such machine is to create a locally made
of the bench shearing machine. The locally made bench shearing
machine will cost less. It would do the same work with that of the
ones produced by manufacturing companies.
Some shearing machines are imported into the country. The
fabrication of this bench shearing machines aids in so many ways
as follows:
(i) Saves time for delivery
(ii) Create job opportunity in the society
(iii) Build up the technical knowledge of the people
(iv) It creates a state for self employment
(v) It will cost cheaper and will have the same work capacity
(vi) It will help for less energy consumption but with a maximum
work done.
The type of bench shearing machine in this project is a manually
operated bench shearing machine. The advantage it has over the
electrically powered shearing machines is that it is controlled
manually. Using an electric type of shearing machine will have
delays when ever the electricity supply goes off. This manual
operated bench shearing machine needs just a little effort of
pulling and the desired result would be obtained.
The reason behind embarking on this project is to fabricate a
locally made of a bench shearing machine. It will cost less but do
the same work compared to ones from the manufacturing
The machine has less number of components and this does not
limit its efficiency.
The size of the fabricated machine is small and has less weight.
To fabricate a bench shearing machine in the institution
departmental workshop similar to the products available in the
This will serve the same purpose with the imported ones. The
fabrication of bench shearing machine within the departmental
workshop leads to the use of available materials in the market.
This fabrication of a bench shearing machine as a project is meant
to encourage and improve the skills of the students towards
technicality and solving of engineering problems associating with
several companies. The project aids to promote self employment
and entrepreneurship within an individual.
The skills and techniques acquired from this project can assist
student to be self-employed and even become employers.
The project contains both theoretical and practical aspect of
fabrication. This promotes the image of Kaduna Polytechnic
students in theoretical and practical knowledge as an institution
with great reputation.
Project Information
NGN 3,000Pages
1 - 5Program type
national diploma (nd)